Thatcher And Reagan's Definition Of Friendship

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Friendship, a word strong enough to, at one time, be a state nickname and a word that affects every aspect of society. But what is friendship? One might define friendship as an emotional tie or linkage between two people. This statement is true. However, friendship should not be left so impersonal. The progressiveness of life as we know it has stemmed from friendship.
To truly capture the meaning of friendship one might refer back to the period of time containing the Cold War. One of the greatest, most beneficial, friendships in the course of history was between the United States President and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom at this time. In a fight against Communism, the two joined forces for global refinement. From the very beginning a spark between the two was evident, this was the spark of true friendship. The two souls from opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean capture the Webster’s definition of friendship. Webster’s reads, “Friendship is a friendly feeling or attitude: kindness or help given to someone” (Merriam-Webster). I would like to focus on the latter part of this explanation.
During April of 1975 Thatcher and Reagan had their first one-on-one encounter while Reagan, …show more content…

I believe it to be one of the most important elements we as humans have in our day to day lives. Whether one is referencing a colleague at work or your closest classmate through your teenage years, one is referring to friendship. However, friendship is what you make of it. One of Shel Silverstein’s most well known quotes states, “How many slams in an old screen door? Depends how loud you shut it. How many slices in a bread? Depends how thin you cut it. How much good inside a day? Depends how good you live 'em. How much love inside a friend? Depends how much you give 'em” (Shel Silverstein Quotes. . .”). To have good friends one must be a good friend. Like most things in life, one gets out what one puts