The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Robots In Education

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Advantages of Robots in Education
Nowadays, robots can tender an excellent means with various concepts that can be employed by demonstrating a variety of subjects, practical exercises, lab classes, and project work for the whole education process. Thus, they have the capability to give confidence to students and increase their enthusiasm to develop valuable skills such as, creativity, teamwork, designing, and problem solving throughout their learning stages. This is because when robots are effectively used in education, a number of advantages will benefit education as the process will exploit appropriate platforms as well as frameworks that are very necessary and required for didactic concepts. In addition to the integrated ways that can …show more content…

This is because children may find teaching using robots is a great fun. According to Sterling (2015), robots has a handing out components, antennas to recognize its surroundings, and motors and actuators to shift its limbs or wheels, and may speak, make some sounds, or lights and colors in reply to the setting as per trainings. In other words, robots have the ability to follow programmed instructions from both teachers and learners in schools and can be controlled remotely. That is why robots should be exploited in educational processes in schools .In turn, there is significant subjective proof that children respond well in subjects concerning programming of robots. Moreover, there are numerous contests for different age groups that can channel competitive characters in a constructive way. For instance the combination of fun and education can be completed by means of robots in learning the requirements for specific tuitions that help them deal with the rising insist for teaching essential subjects such as, science, technology, engineering and Maths in schools. (Druin and Hendler, 2000) On top of demonstrating technology straight by encoding the robot, students can learn about such sciences, and get a perceptive of how learning subjects connect …show more content…

Robots may have the ability to assist students to comprehend their enthusiasms and explore many different learning pathways. The exercises of putting the robots together and making them move, teach students a vital lesson to communicate as a team and articulate their ideas to craft the best final outcome.( Maurer ,2016) For instance, when students interrelate with robots in their classroom and make them carry out a variety of actions and missions, students ' potency will begin to excel. This is because when assembling robots in teams, some students would turn to at speak, think, imagine and can orally bring suggestions to their life. According to Maurer ( 2016 ) , students’ passions develop in the topics that they have never been acquainted and cultivate a curiosity in some activities such as 3D printing and coding, as a result of taking part in a new concern in mechanics. In other words, robots can reinforce students build their own education paths because they offers them an open stage where they can make a decision where to go with their conducted tests. In turn, robots enhance students to care for their passions even further and build their characters. Consequently, dealing with robots during the educational process robots enable students to come together as different categories of leaders, talk with each other and operate their personalities which will help them become future successful artists, a