
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Sports Marketing

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My presentation will be about sports marketing. I will mostly focus on football in Europe, because this is the most popular sport down here, and basketball in America, also one of the most popular sports over there. It is also the two sports that I am the more interested about, so I am more comfortable to discuss about these sports.
So, as I said, I am a big fan of sports, and I decide to associate my passion with something which really interest me and that I study: the marketing. Sports organizations and companies use sports marketing to make people associate their products with sports, supporting clubs, and promoting their brand.

For this subject, I want to show the advantages, and the disadvantages, of the marketing for the sport in general and for the companies. I will divide my presentation in three parts:
Tools of sport marketing
Advantages of sports marketing: for the team? For the companies?
Disadvantages of sports marketing: for the team? For the companies?

Events sponsorship
Every sports events, even the smallest ones, have some sponsorship. Thanks to it, the event has more money to develop itself, and the company pay to being noticed. For the big events, the number of sponsorship is huge: for example, these are the official Olympic Games partners. Moreover, each Olympics Games have his own sponsorship. In total, there are more than 20 brands which are present at the event. Another example: Adidas is the official sponsor of the FIFA, so during the World
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