
Women's Rights: Should We All Be Equal?

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Women’s Right Should not we all be equal? We have been created by the same God, and he would absolutely want equality between the two genders. Both genders should have their rights. If both of the sexes get treated the same, everyone would have their own chance of life. Many men before the Enlightenment thought of women as their sex toys. They did not want women to study or work in public places. There actually still are many men that think like that now, but it is much better than before. Things are getting better in some places, but not all. Women, now, can have formal education in many places, unlike the time of the Enlightenment and before. Individualism and rationalism were both found in the age of Enlightenment. Many thinkers of that time viewed men as a separate identity, and women as a …show more content…

Rousseau was one of those thinkers. In the 18th century, philosophers during the age of Enlightenment developed ideas based on reasons and logics. Before the age of Enlightenment, women were perceived in the family as mothers, and the household caretakers. But during the Enlightenment era this changed. Women were thought of as intellects. Women started developing new intellects than they did before. Women should almost always fight for their rights, and should not be afraid of anything because they are no less than men in education and a lot of other things. They should have formal education just like how men have always had it. The Enlightenment brought many changes with it; change in how women started thinking is a good example for that. Women at the age of Enlightenment started questioning their roles in the society because they were unequal to men and they did not like the

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