Analyzing The Equality Of Men And Women In 18th Century Europe

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Males and females are meant to be equal in Europe according to the natural rights, which have started becoming true after the end of 18th century. The purpose of the essay is to analyze the issue of the equality of men and women in Europe before and after the 18th century according to two theories, liberalism and constructivism. Liberalism is based on the belief that all the human beings can be good and selfless in their decision-making. Meanwhile, constructivism states that choices of each person depend on the personal experience and knowledge, which form person’s perspective of the subjective reality. Different historical actions such as WWI, Declaration of women rights, (Savino 2002)acceptance of women to international communities, etc. …show more content…

For realism the only importance is personal benefit of each individual, whose actions always are meant to bring this benefit. Although, from the perspective of liberalism, the individual human rights are not created but they are natural and it makes both males and females equal in the society. Even though, women were discriminated due to males’ prejudice until the Bill of women rights was written in 1791 (Donald 2014). “Liberty and justice consist of restoring all that belongs to others; thus, the only limits on the exercise of the natural rights of woman are perpetual male tyranny; these limits are to be reformed by the laws of nature and reason.” (Declaration of the rights of women, 1791), (Branson 2011) *add comment from Nat rights The discrimination had developed to the stage, when women were considered to be a property of the male head of a family, e.g. husband, father, brother, cousin, had separate behind parts of the houses to live in, could not sit at the same table with males but only serve them, etc. (Thaxter 2013) With the time going, women have raised the importance of their social position but they have truly become equal to men only in the last 20st century. For the liberalism, ideas and values are incredibly important as they regulate all the human actions, which are meant to be good and rationale. But since the discrimination has taken place, proven by the comparison of the Ancient Celtics and Medieval England, there is no ability to say there the rationality took place at any kind. In the Ancient world women were able to choose husbands, vote, rule, make socially influential decisions and even inherit the property. (Savino 2002) However, by the Medieval times they have lost all of their rights, women were belonging to any male _ during all their