Comparison Of The Declaration Of Independence: Men Vs. Women

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When The Declaration of Independence was ratified in 1776, it declared that “all men are created equal”, but it did not mention anything about women. That is why on July 1848, The Declaration of Sentiments was initiated as headstrong movement of women protesting for better rights. In the process of this powerful movement, the women were on a mission to correct The Declaration of Independence by listing out the many ways of how women do not have equal rights as men and demanded equality with men before the law, in education, and in employment. Unfortunately, even though society has evolved over time, men and women are still treated unfairly. The difference in social expectation between men and women is astounding. The man’s role is still being …show more content…

With the men off at war, it was not until after World War I that women started to work in factories to help support their families due to the lack of men in the work force. Since there was nobody working the factories and there was work to be done, they called on women to fill in for the men until they came back from war. This then created the character “Rosie the Riveter” to show that women are capable of doing male work. In 1942, the National War Labor Board had agreed that they had to pay women the same amount men were making for the same hours worked, but that fell through when the men came back from war (Brunner). It was not until 1960 when newspaper started to print out articles encouraging women to continue …show more content…

From that point on other cases that defended women’s pay was getting noticed. For example, Corning Glass Works v. Brennan (1974), U.S. Supreme Court suggested that women could not be paid less because of working in jobs that men would not like to do, it was described as “unacceptable”. Even though women’s contribution to society was very limited and slowing making progress. Fast forward to the 21st century, women have more rights now more than ever. They are not obligated to stay at home anymore and feel restricted within society. They are creating their own identities breaking what used to be the norm of a home maker by joining the workforce and getting a high paying job through education. There are many solutions that women can do to help close the wage gap. One solution can be that women can join a union. A union is defined as “an organization of workers who have come together to achieve common goals such as protecting the integrity of its trade, improving safety standards, achieving higher pay and benefits such as health care and retirement” (Wikipedia). Another solution that can help this gender disparity is that women to reach higher education because higher education allows better career opportunities and it also equates to higher