
The American Dream In The Epic Of America By Historian James Adams

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The American Dream is a phrase that has been present in our nation for almost 200 years. But Historian James Adams propelled it into the common vernacular of our country in his book "The Epic of America" published in 1931. In his book, Adams explains "that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement,"(Kiger). Ironically, this phrase ,which has become an ideology and idiom representing Americana, was written and embraced in the midst of The Great Depression. Since it’s birth the idea of the American Dream has never paralleled reality. Despite this, our nation is still striving for the ever evasive dream many think we have lost, but never actually had. …show more content…

Donald Trump the only candidate representing the Republican party claims,"The fact is, the American Dream is dead – but if I win, I will bring it back bigger and better and stronger than ever before,"(Thomas). Hillary Clinton proclaimed,"I ran for president to renew the promise of America. To rebuild the middle class and sustain the American dream,"(Clinton) . Clinton argues that the American Dream is difficult to achieve for some. She describes the American Dream as,"at the heart of the American Dream: No matter who you are or where you come from, if you work hard and play by the rules, you should have the opportunity to build a good life for yourself and your

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