The American Dream In The New Colossus

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America is a land filled with possibility. It is a place where all are welcome. It does not reject anyone and is a land of freedom. The American Dream is still possible for all, no matter where someone comes from. The background that you have or the amount of money, all things can be possible in the land of the free. America truly provides everyone with equal access to the American Dream by allowing opportunity for all and freedom to those that seek it.
Welcoming is America’s natural being. Judgment of people, no matter their religion, career, or amount of money can define a person. In “The New Colossus”, Emma Lazarus describes the American hospitality by stating, “Give me your tired, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Lazarus uses a welcoming tone to describe America and its people, implying that it is a land of freedom. America is a country that doesn't hold anyone back. Everyone has a right to pursue whatever they want in life and are a new person with equal rights and accessibility at their fingertips. …show more content…

Barack Obama develops an encouraging tone during the “Keynote Address” as he implies the persistence required for the American Dream issuing, “Through hard work and perseverance my father got a scholarship to study in a magical place, America, that shone a beacon of freedom and opportunity to so many who had come before.” A president of the United States of America had a father who came from Kenya to America, in order to make his life and his son’s better. The dream does not require an immense amount of money or a wealthy living style, but instead, hard work and devotion through all aspects in life. Faithfulness is very important in achieving the American Dream and is a large part of succeeding in the United States of