The American Family In The 1970's

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Sociology on the median family has changed over the years since the 1970’s which has led to many issues. Elizabeth Warren, Professor Todd Zywicki, Stephanie Cootnz all have expressed detailed information of the median family and financial changes. After watching the video of Elizabeth Warren’s Lecture , Warren’s response to the financial issues were that families incomes were shifting in today’s society. This change is due to the increased percentage of working mothers. In the 2000’s families were no longer surviving off a single income from the father but two household incomes. In the 1970s a typical family would survive off of the fathers working income while the mother stayed home with the children. But what most people don't realize is that the male-breadwinner family was invented only 150 years ago, to solve an earlier crisis of work, marriage and family life (Stephanie Coontz …show more content…

This has caused millions of mothers to start working full time.The only good part with mothers heading into the workforce was that households became two-income households and families were able to financially support their family more. Stephanie Coontz states that this change isn’t new and women and children have been working outside of their homes for thousands of years and brought home money like their husbands did. In the 1970’s families were putting eleven percent into savings, but in 2006 there was zero percent put into savings. Professor Todd Zywicki feels the reason why families are not saving any money in the bank because they have not figured out that double income earning is gaining nothing because extra expense are incurred with the second job and unneeded spendings.(Todd Zywicki) .Warren says that the median family were in revolving debt because they were spending more money on mortgage rates, car notes , taxes and education for their