Animal Farm All Animals Are Equal Analysis

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Farm is the embodiment of the most perfect and equal society.:

‘All animals are equal’
Animal farm starts with narrating the Old major’s vision which is that all animals are equal and should receive equal treatment. Old Major is potrayed as a grandfatherly figure and is considered as the wiseset of all in the farm. Before he died, he gave inspiration to the other animals to build a just and equatable place for all the animals. According to the Old Major, the only way to achive their vision was to put an end to their suffering which was a Man. Old Major suggested to conduct a rebellion against man and drive him completely out of the farm. “And remember also that in fighting against Man, we must not come to resemble him”. Just before his death, …show more content…

Jones (man) and drives him out of the farm. They change the name of the farm from Manor farm to Animal farm. The pigs consider themeselves as cleverest of all and undertake the administration of the farm. Two pigs namely Napolean and Snowball compete for the leadership of the farm. Snowball is the animal who wants the best for the farms and other animlas. He is the one who is clear about Old Major’s thinking and wishes to achieve the same. He devotes himself to improve the lives of the animals. He was the one who introduced the maxim namely: ‘Four legs good, two legs bad.’ As according to him this contained the essential principle of Animalism. Whereas, Napoleon is presented as a personification of a power-hungry individual who veils all of his activities with a defence that whatever is done is for the betterment of the farm. When Snowball started acting as a threat to Napoleon’s power, he drove Snowball out of the farm with the help of his dogs and declared him as traitor. After Snowball left the farm, conditions of the farm worsned and animals(other than pigs) were not treated equally. “The importance of keeping the pigs in good health was all too obvious. So it was agreed without further argument that the milk and the windfall apples (and also the main crop of apples when they ripened) should be reserved for the pigs alone”. Napoleon even steals the idea of building a windmill from Snowball. This is one of the …show more content…

The song is about freedom and unity which binds the animals together and keep the spirit of rebellion alive in their hearts. “Bright will shine the fields of England, purer shall its waters be, sweeter yet shall blow breezes on the day that sets us free.” Animals sing a song of freedom and desires to be set free from the dictatorship of Mr. Jones. The song is sung through out the story on special occasions and meetings. Beasts of England shows it true significance when it is sung after the Battle of Cowshed. It symbolizes freedom because they were finally free from human rule and were completely independent to rule themselves. Eventually, Napoleon bans the song towards the end and replaces it with the poem written by Minimus who was one of the poet at the farm. This symbolizes animal’s freedom being taken away from them for which they fought so hard. An anthem is replaced with a state ritual as the new poem was about the grateness of