The Anti-Nazi Resistance Movements

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It was extremely difficult to for Germans to oppose the Nazi rule in Hitler’s Empire, but despite this, resistance against Nazi rule in Hitler’s Empire was extremely common. This is a point of view that is often never looked in depth in many mainstream historical accounts, as it is common for the massive support the Nazis had to be focused upon instead. There was a large amount of anti-Nazi criticism even before World War II, resistance movements took many forms across all of Germany and all of German society. Nazi propaganda targeted groups of specific religion and race (especially the Jews) in an incredibly anti-semitic way, so it is easy to understand why there was opposition to Nazi rule and ideas. Some resistance groups were formed from …show more content…

It’s easy to see why Hitler had such massive support in the time leading up to his time in power, he heavily used propaganda to promote his views and those of the Nazi party. Nazi propaganda was extremely anti-Semitic in the fact that it targeted and blamed the Jewish population for many past German failures. In 1941 Jews were forced to were the Yellow Gold star and a flyer “When you see this symbol…” was published concerning how Germans should look at the Jews. It states that, “Remember what the Jews have done to our people. Now for the first time, World Jewry openly says what it wants: ‘Germany must die!’”. This was only the surface of the treatment that the Jews were given in Germany and much of Nazi propaganda displayed similar messages. Baring this in mind, it is not very difficult to see how the Jewish population and those who did not agree with this propaganda could not oppose Nazi rule. Hitler’s guide to his propaganda comes from his book, Mein Kampf where he sees it as the most important factor of controlling the population. Again it’s incredibly easy to understand why there were people who disagreed with the Nazi rule and Hitler’s …show more content…

The KPD was one of the largest communist parties outside of the Soviet Union and had over a hundred thousand members. When the Nazis rose to power, the KPD was attacked, offices were raided and thousands of members were arrested and soon little remained of the party that once stood. However, a few thousand members managed to survive and like many other resistant movements they published newspapers and pamphlets while hiding underground. Mainly spread to factories and workplaces, their messages primarily highlighted the Nazi mistreatment of workers and encouraged the people to act against the