Anti-Oppressive Practice Approach Analysis

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Contemporary Practice Approach Social work has been known to be a caring profession that provides services and solutions to some of the problems that people and groups in the society might be suffering from. Social work is about helping make a change in the society with the bettering of the oppressed and ignored lives through the provision of life’s basic facilities and amenities (Watson & West, 2006). One of the theories that social workers apply most in their duties is that of Anti-Oppressive Practice model whose main focus is on the fight against oppression in the society. It does this by looking at the effects that the oppression may have on the individuals, groups, and institutions. In the society, the anti-oppressive model works by aiming at the promotion of non-oppressive and equal relations between individuals and groups of different class sand social status. It seeks to subvert the abilities of presentations, which bring about social division in societies and therefore enhance solidarity while celebrating the social differences that exists between individuals and groups. The main principle behind the working of the anti-oppressive model is justice. The theory believes that everyone in the society is entitled to some form of justice whatever their social status whether rich or poor. Therefore, everyone in the society is entitled to basic …show more content…

The first case is that there tends to be advocating for better treatment of the two individuals. However, it is justifiable to say that Wallis deserves better since he has been serving America and the effects of the service are what is causing the deterioration of his health. George on the other hand, having no wife, deserves some care from his family. The weakness of the anti-oppressive practice as per this case is that it does not tell exactly how social workers can come in between and offer help to the