'The Arctic Refuge' By Jimmy Carter

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Jimmy Carter has told us his story how we should prevent industry overcoming wildlife, he discusses his reasoning in self experiences, outside and background information. One way he discusses industry should be prevented in wildlife is industry damages religion for those who has lived and used species that live in the area as ritual and sacred animals. He discusses how industry that is produced there will benefit so little that the difference is too tiny to start a oil or any industry business there. If industry is built into the 100 acre land, most of the endangered and non endangered species will be wiped due to the loss of habitat. In the passage Jimmy Carter describes how the Arctic Refuge is a national symbol for settlers that have moved to the area first and used the area as a national symbol for religious purpose and a remnant of frontier of America. The destruction of the land will eliminate the settler’s home and their history that was carved within the area. This will be the most negative impact on the industry because not only they are taking away land that has history, but also they are eliminating rare wildlife. Industry will not benefit the area, but will only cause pain to the settlers as we speak of because Jimmy Carter describes …show more content…

He describes as how the area used for oil drilling will only be 1 to 2 percent of his country’s oil usage daily. He states that industry that is used there will produce so little that barely anything that the risk of the animals in the area is not worth to start industry there. The usage of this area is absolutely not worth and preserving the wildlife there is a better option. Jimmy Carter points a very good point why the industry residing in the area will barely change the oil usage shows how useless building industry on the Arctic Refuge will