
The Assassination Of The Devil Illustrated In Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

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Young Goodman brown is a story with a religious twist, many strange things happens to the character during the story. Young Goodman brown leaves his innocent wife Faith home telling her that he must go away for only one night. That one night trip in the woods changed many things Goodman believed that this trip would make him return a better man, however he returned the opposite. During this trip in the woods he comes with the temptation of following a man who actually later turns out to the devil. While he explored the woods with the devil, the devil opens his eyes to many of things about those around him in his village. There was a scene in the play where there were people from his village was actually worshipping the devil and causes him to look at everyone …show more content…

As he continue he realize that this man knows everyone, including his grandfather. This leads
Goodman to discover that this person is the devil. Before the story is over Goodman pretty much becomes a ‘bad man’. His beliefs completely changes and he loses his ‘faith’. He should have went back to his village with his wife as he intended to do. Goodman spent so much time in the woods with the devil that he started becoming delusional, imagined that he heard faith’s voice and mysteriously her cap came floating from the sky. He then was convinced that even Faith turned to the devil. That one night trip was very traumatizing to Goodman Brown because once he finally went back to the village every person he came in contact with he was convinced they had all gone evil. I think he should have just stayed him with his wife he didn’t have a real solid reason for traveling out in the woods anyway. It is amazing how many tricks the mind can play on you. I enjoyed this story especially once I seen the play, the time of day it takes place makes it seem more like a scary story. Hawthorne explores Goodman
Browns inner struggle with his own demons. Hawthorne mentions Faith’s pink ribbon about 3 times

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