The Atlantic Oce Biome Of The Dolphin

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The species I have chosen from the Atlantic Ocean is the Dolphin. The name of the biome I have chosen is the Atlantic Ocean. Two interesting facts about dolphins are they are quite smart, and they are carnivores or meat-eaters. Dolphins are carnivores and eat an array of various food and other animals (Dolphin's World, 2014).

Most common source of food is fish. When dolphins mate they mate with the intention of offspring, but some don’t mate with that intention. Most dolphins reach their sexual peak between five and eight years of age. Male dolphins reach their sexual peak at the age of 11. (Fun Interesting Facts for Kids, N.D.)

Female dolphins are sexually active for a year and like male dolphins they have multiple partners (Dolphin's World, 2014). Dolphins are direct which means they must get the attention of the dolphin they want to mate with. One courtship ritual is by chasing each other and giving each other soft bites and touching bellies to mate. Male dolphins …show more content…

Most dolphins only have one baby at a time. The relationship between dolphins and octopuses is predator/prey relationship. Dolphins are vertebrates which means that they have a backbone.( Dolphin's World, 2017)

The name of the species from the Atlantic Ocean that I have chosen is the octopus. The biome they live in is the Atlantic Ocean. Two interesting things about octopuses are they have three hearts and their blood has a blue color. Octopuses are known to eat various types of fish, small fish, and snail which are their primary source of food. (Soft Schools, 2015).

Some more fun interesting things about octopuses are that their color and size are determined by their environment. Octopuses are interesting in the fact that they have suction cups that they use and have on their arms. Octopuses have a neat ability to escape predators which was made famous. Octopuses live from a few months to a few years depending on the species. (Soft Schools,

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