The Avocados-Original Writing

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Her smile reminded him of peals and sunshine. Once again Forrest was at the house that Emma and Marc once shared. The thought made him uneasy.Emma had always been at the door. When she unlocked the door the weight of the heavy door dragged her. “I’m okay.” She smiled The pair walked into the house. The interior design of the house was bright, but the house itself had a depressing tone. It was spotless. Everything had its place. That was on on the ways that Emma helped coping with the death of Marc. Emma was doing the best she could to deal with the death of Marc. She loved him. Forrest could see that and understood that. Forrest also loved her and didn’t want to see her in more pain then she already was.This thought was interrupted by the angel like sound of Emma’s voice.She always had the brightest smile on his face despite her crippling pain. “Do you want Garlic, salt and pepper?” “ Yes please”. He sat at the kitchen table.waiting for Emma to come out with the avocados. Eventually, Emma came out with his half of the avocado. It was lightly sprinkled with, salt, pepper and garlic. He didn’t like avocado but, Emma did. Forrest looked up from his avocado. “Emma?” Her turquoise eyes …show more content…

Emma and I are best friends.Through the last few months, I realized she was hurting. She really missed her recently passed partner, Marc. I tried to help her. As tim went on I realized It was getting harder and harder to help.I Didn’t understand that It was so bad she took her own life”. A loud sob came from the crowd. He continued. “ I will admit now I had feelings for her. Although I couldn’t admit that to her. Looking back I owed that that to her. Emma always had my best intentions in mind.Making sure I never got into any trouble. I wanted to sound inspirational today. To be honest the loss of my best friend is the toughest thing I have to go through. I would do anything to hear her sweet voice again. Rest in peace Emma, I love

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