The Awakening Essay On Edna's Suicide

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Some people believe that suicide is the only way to deal with a lot of problems. Back in the 19th century, women were seen as only having one specific role. That role being a loyal wife and a loving mother to her children. In the short novel The Awakening by Kate Chopin, Edna is a married woman who begins to experience her “awakening”. She becomes more feminine and independent as the story goes on. Unfortunately, she commits suicide by drowning due to the fact that she didn’t meet society’s expectations and was hoping to seek freedom by becoming independent.
Early on in the story, we see how Edna is married to Mr. Pontellier and have children of their own. Edna is expected to be a committed wife and devote her life to her children since this …show more content…

This can be seen when the author states that “The acme of bliss, which would have been marriage with the tragedian, was not for her in this world. As the devoted wife of a man who worshipped her, she felt she would take her place with a certain dignity in the world of reality, closing the portals forever behind her upon the realm of romance and dreams” (33). Marriage was not for Edna and begins to think that she will put all this behind her. She feels like she doesn’t need marriage and is ready to move on on her own. Marriage was not going to be the highest point achieved by Edna. Later on, we see that “Mr. Pontellier learned of his wife’s intention to abandon her home” (155). Mr. Pontellier does not approve this and immediately writes Edna a letter basically stating that she cannot move out. Even though he said no, she decides to move out anyways. Edna believes that is she is ready to be independent, she no longer needs support from anyone. This is why she decides to move out of the house and live on her own. Edna finds a way to make a living by selling her paintings which also shows how she can provide for herself financially and prove that she is