The Bazaars In The Film Argo

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The film Argo has its differences from what happened in real life, especially during the scene where Tony Mendez escorts the six American’s through the bazaar in Iran. In that scene Reza Borhani questions Bob Anders, posing as the Canadian director Bob Baker. Reza questions Bob if he is having a difficult time transitioning to life in Iran because of its different customs. Bob is caught off guard by this and appears suspicious for his odd response. A few short moments after this scene Tony Mendez walks the six hostages through the bazaar. Kathy Stafford posing as a production designer takes a picture of a small shop within the bazaar. This harshly offends the owner of the shop because he states that his son was killed by an American gun. His …show more content…

Reza Pahlavi was notorious for his opulence and excess. His wife was rumored to have bathed in milk. While he had his lunch flown in from Paris. His people starved. Reza Pahlavi kept power through his ruthless internal police. His rule began an era of terror and fear. In 1979 the people overthrew Reza Pahlavi and brought back the original prime minister to power. Although the people were still upset with Reza Pahlavi and wanted him hanged. Reza was dying of cancer so he was allowed asylum in the United States. This made the Iranian people furious and demanded for Reza’s return to Iran so that the people could kill him themselves. There wasn’t many political differences between the movie and what really happened. The Iranian people really did hate the U.S. for the mercy they allowed Reza Pahlavi. However, the Iranian hatred was amped up in the movie. This was probably to add drama and tension to the film. Regardless of all this, the Iranians were made over dramatic for this film. The bazaar scene never actually happened in reality. This scene, along with other scenes, were fabricated by the producers of this movie. These additional scenes did help the audience of the movie understand the real life situations that