Beastie In William Golding's Lord Of The Flies

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Presently throughout the novel, the boys’ fear of the “Beastie” grew. The boys in the book are controlled by their fear of the Unseen Beast, which they derived from their imaginations, rather than hunting or killing the beast in reality. In the beginning of the novel, the boys started off as a civilized group. They had a conch which was a symbol of order, rules, and they were a community of their own ruled by Ralph; but as the boys were joining each other, a small boy with a mulberry birthmark held the conch and said “ What you’re going to do about the snake thing?” All the boys laughed and Ralph laughed with them. “Tell us more about the snake-thing.” Piggy spoke for the little boy, and he said, “Now he says it was a beastie.” “A Beastie?” …show more content…

Jack represents the dark side of human nature, that is evil and violence. The “Beastie” is a threat to the boys and strike fear in them. This means it is important for a leader to convince their people that they have the right to feel fear. In this type of situation, a great leader like Jack has to manage two important goals. First, Jack needs the boys to believe him. In Chapter 8, Jack tells the boys, “I’ve called an assembly… because of a lot of things. First, you know now, we’ve seen the beast. We crawled up. We were only a few feet away. The Beast sat up and look at us. I don’t know what it does. We don’t even know what it is... (pg.125). This mean that Jack is providing as much lies about the beast so the boys would believe Jack. Second, since the boys think of Jack as a “go-to-man” when a “Beastie” is on the island, they rely on Jack to solve the …show more content…

Jack doesn 't care about getting rescued, nor care about building a civilized society on the island. He’s only focused on hunting and gain power, and he spends whole time managing both. In a stormy night, Jack was having a feast with his tribe. Ralph and Piggy ate with them as well, and Jack asked them “Who’ll join my tribe and have fun?” “I’m chief...” said Ralph. “... And what about the fire? And I’ve got the conch--” “You haven’t got it with you,” said Jack. “You left it behind. See, clever? And the conch doesn’t count at this end of the island-- (pg.150).” While the boys were playing a game, which goes like one of the boys’ acts as the pig and the others, with their spears, chase after him, Simon was crawling out the forest to tell them the truth about the beast, but the boys thought Simon was the beast, and killed him. Unlike Ralph who was terrified of what he did that night, Jack didn 't care what happened to Simon nor felt guilt for his actions. Soon, Jack moves to Castle Rock with his tribe, and the boys’ steal Piggy’s glasses to make a fire for their feast. He even allowed Roger to push the boulder and knock Piggy off the cliff, also it crushed the conch into a thousands of white pieces, taking away order forever. By the end of the novel, Jack’s identity is hidden behind the paint, he’s nothing but a savage, and brainwashed all the boys’ to