
The Benefits Of Becoming A Hearing Aid

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The term “meaningful work”, to me, means helping others. In this way, I have always wanted to be something that would make a difference and impact people in a positive way. I am currently working to get a degree in Sociology so I may take over my grandfather’s company when he decides to retire. To show this I will include various source that show how this career path makes a positive impact on people and as society. I plan on starting with my background about how I personally have helped people in general, then talk about how hearing aids help children in their day-to-day life in school, finally wrap-up talking about how the company I plan to work for helps people with the Miracle Ear Foundation. Before we get into that, here is a little more …show more content…

You could not hear your teacher, or your mom telling you to clean your room. Sounds great, right? If you could not even hear those little things, how can you hear another car not being able to stop at a red light while you are on the cross walk. Not being able to hear things that others hear, can be a scary thing. Especially, if you are a child trying to “fit in” school. Hearing is one of those things that we do not realize how much we need it until we lose it. Becoming a Hearing Aid Specialist, would allow me to assist people in hearing better which would have a greater impact on their life. However, despite what some may think, we not only help the elderly, but also children. For example, “Preliminary data for 31 children aged 11 to 17 years with typical and impaired hearing suggested that the directional microphone setting provided the optimal SNR during approximately one third of the typical school day.” (Directional Microphone Hearing Aids in School Environments: Working Toward Optimization). This source explains how hearing aids have helped children 11 to 17 years old optimize their school lives. This is tremendous seeing that we take education so seriously in our lives. Those children had trouble being able to hear the material that their teacher was teaching about, but now they can hear them better. In turn, this will lead to better …show more content…

This company tries to help as many people as possible. Especially those who can not afford the help they desperately need. There is a program call the Miracle Ear Foundation. This program aims to assist people who can not afford hearing aids. It is not just for the elderly, but also helps young children. “She (Michele McNamara, a hearing instrument specialist and director of operations) estimates that she's fitted between 20 to 25 people for free hearing aids sponsored by the foundation at each location per year. Considering seven out of ten adults over 65 years old experience hearing loss and the average patient waits five to seven years before seeking help, there's plenty of catching up to do, she said. During that time of undiagnosed or unassisted hearing loss, people become isolated and withdrawn.” (Wilding). The foundation is an important part in helping people. All the hearing aid specialists try to promote this program as much as possible. For example, if a patient comes in and needs hearing aids but their insurance will not cover such a hefty purchase. The patient fills out an application and it is submitted to the main office in New York and from there they will be able to get a set of free hearing

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