The Black Cat, And The House Of Usher, By Edgar Allan Poe

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American Gothic is a genre containing ghosts and,/or superstitious events or tragedies. reading of Annabell eli, “The Black Cat, and The house of usher, are examples of American Gothic Literature. American Gothic literature, also known as friction explores the inner darker events, in a religious,and/ or modernism style. Gothic Literature has elements of an atmosphere of mystery, romantic themes, and supernatural events. American Gothic literature contains an atmosphere of mystery. One example of mystery occurs in the poem, “Annabell Lee” , written by Edgar Poe. in which his wife in examples of superstitious events or tragedies were killed by angels that were jealous of their loving relationship. Due to the loss of his wedded wife. he’d led …show more content…

One example of this can be seen in the short story, The black cat is a example of ghost like supernatural events, written by Edgar Allan Poe. In the short story, the narrator, and his wife love animals, and soon invested their time, and money into adopting, all animals, of all kinds, nevertheless, he had his favorite “the black cat”. Over time he’d soon become abusive to not only the “black cat”, but his other animals as well, due to his highly emotional charged personality, due to his drinking addition. The narrator came to a conculsion that pluto “the cat” was a witch in disguise which is a examples of superstition thoughts, he’d eventually killed pluto, and soon later, pluto came back as a form of a his orginal body. He was pluto “the black cat”, but a small white hair on his head, that pluto didn’t have gave away, that it was indeed not the original pluto. The Black cat is a perfect example of a American gothic story, is a highly emotional stories, the plot of the story is all over the place. The supertious was him, beliving that the cat was a witch, because he’d believed it’ he’d took matter into his own hands, killing the …show more content…

Upon arrival the narrator notices condition of the house, in which the house felt, absorbed with evil, and an example of supernatural thought, he felt as though the house was alive. Madeline has become ill, several days later, she dies, and is buried beside them, as rodrick starts acting odder than usual, he has a secret, he’s been hiding. An Example of supernatural Madeline breaks out of her coffin, and relieves herself from the “dead”, as later Rodrick confesses to burying her alive. In the end the “House of Usher”,The home physically collapses, another example of supernatural events. The is a perfect example of supernatural stories, from the old creepy house, to the events that happened in the house such as the unexplained illnesses, and odd