The Bluest Eye Loss Of Innocence

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In Tony Morrison's novel The Bluest Eye, a Black child being full of innocence leads to misery. Leaving her with the absence of love she was given proceeded to feelings of loneliness and hatred. Lacking pride and knowledge within the abandonment of her own family and the inequality in which she was given within her everyday life. Pecola's insanity was brought on due to the lack of knowledge, structure, love and inequality she received. Pecola lacks structure and is frequently left alone to develop herself. Pecola is upset due to the fact of getting her period. Clueless of what is happening to her and why when she begins her cycle. Having no one in her life to teach her about becoming a female. Lacking parental guidance in her life causes …show more content…

Having to put on a front to become more white and a little less black repeatedly. Demonstrating to others that she did not fit the stereotype of other Black people. She made every effort to break the cycle of Blacks finding themselves at the lowest end of the socioeconomic ladder. Sadly, her father did not assist her in solving this worldwide issue. The father he was, Cholly, lacked good intentions. Pecola is left to handle her own battles. Cholly failed as a parent, which is to nurture and love. He took advantage of his daughter multiple times, causing her to become insane with her own thoughts and personal appearance. As her inner - self declares the fact of her insanity, “I don’t mean the first time. I mean about the second time, when you were sleeping on the couch.” Her craziness commences to set in with the truth that her father raped her more than once. Leaving this child alone to fight with her battles, plus, the battles of keeping her fathers secrets taunts this child as she is a part of Chollys secrets. Tearing her up inch by inch leaving her to deal with the disgustiness, the lies she keeps, the dreams she has of her being raped over and over again turn her into having insanity. Starting with the looks, the insanity began to show in the outside world. Pecola's only wish is to turn white because she is so concerned about being a Black woman in the world. Pecola fought with the idea that she was wonderful the way she was and that her Whiteness will become apparent once she had the "Bluest Eyes." Begging her own self, “Here comes someone. Look at him. See if they’re bluer” to compare everyone's eyes within the community to make sure hers was the best. To her if they were not, she was not good enough meaning she was not white enough leaving her hallucinations to gain worse as if she was not the best person in the world by lacking blue eyes in which she never had blue eyes to