The Book Of Genesis Essay

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The Book of Genesis is what starts out the Bible. It states the beginnings and origins. In the reading, Genesis is what will set the tone for much more of the bible. The beginning of the Bible introduces many words that are key for the rest of the stories so it is important to know their true meaning.
Being completely honest, this passage was chosen because it was the first one listed. Reviewing the passage, with it being the first one, it is quite apparent to being the first passage. It states a lot of what you could say or call “obvious” information. However, with deeper research, this is still the case but these words have to much hidden meaning and can easily be mistaken for a different or their actual meaning.
Genesis 1:1 states the …show more content…

Lampa’d is also another term for light. This term comes from a natural source such as the sun or candle. Noohra is another word meaning light. This term has multiple meanings. It is really used to context of the light of God. Light is really looked at as a light bulb or a source of brightness. In the Hebrew Bible, it should be looked at as a source of shine or happiness. Light can be put into perception to bringing joy into one's life.
Vault means ceiling or structure. This is either to hold something up as support or as covering something. In the verse, it is used in two ways being to divide water and also in terms of the sky. Dividing water is providing a structure while looking at vault in context or relation to the sky is it being used in the form of a ceiling. When reading the word vault, one should just look at the bigger picture and look deeper into what the meaning could also be, similar to looking at a heart.
Land is just touched on in Genesis 1:1 to 1:10 and is really introduced more into depth further into the Bible. The base meaning is “red plowed land.” Land is looked at as a place where people live. Land was provided to the living by God, in a sense, as a gift. Land is a given part of life