Chapter Seven: Separation From God's Money

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Chapter Seven: Separation From God’s Money
The word sanctified is very important in the Bible. The things that belong to God are to be sanctified. In the Old Testament, God sanctified the tithe. That meant that ten percent of the increase belonged to God, and man was not to touch it. Dr. Hyles talks about the story in the Bible of Ananias and Sapphria. They made a promise to God that they would sell a piece of ground and give all the money to him. That promise was made sacred and belonged to God. When that promise was made, it became holy just as the tithe is holy. Just like the vows we make to God are holy and sacred, the money we tithe to God is holy as well. Malachi 3:8 says, “Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein …show more content…

The world attacks our body, the world attacks our soul, and the Devil attacks our spirit. The way the Devil breaks down separation is by attacking our spirit. He came to Eve promising her she could have the knowledge of Christ if she ate of the forbidden fruit. He appealed to her through spiritual methods and through a noble temptation. This is the same thing Satan does today. He appeals to us by telling us that if we drop our standards and become separated, we can gain larger crowds and more Christians. He takes us away from what is actually important, which is leading people to Christ. Our every day prayer should be asking God to help us walk in the Spirit so we can resist the devil.
Chapter Twelve: Why Separation?
Genesis 1:4 “And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.” In this chapter, Dr. Hyles point out that the latter part of the verse Genesis 1:4 could be the first hint of separation. He says that a life without separation will cause misery, ignorance, and wickedness. We are commanded to have no fellowship with darkness, because to be associated with darkness would mean that you are not living a separated life. God has separated light from darkness since the beginning. We will have no peace in our life if we are not living a separated life or walking in the spirit.
Chapter Thirteen: Separation and Our Relationship With …show more content…

This is what makes being separated so hard. Every human on earth wants to feel accepted and wants to feel loved. It is not easy for a Christian to try to show a loving spirit to the world, but then be thought of as unloving. Dr. Hyles tells of when he became pastor of the First Baptist Church, a church member told him that he was tired of the little dirty bus kids, and that he should decide between the bus kids or the member. If Dr. Hyles chose to keep the busses, they would leave the church and he would not benefit from their tithes, but if he got rid of the busses, they would stay with their money. God showed Dr. Hyles that he could not leave the poor, and that night, he chose the bus kids over the money of the church members who threatened him. When he did that, he was outside the camp again. He didn’t receive invitations anymore, and he was considered unloving. That night, he heard God tell him “Welcome”. Jesus was already outside the camp waiting for him. Even though it was hard for Dr. Hyles to do the right thing, he was greeted with open arms by