The Eight Tuesday We Talk About Money Sparknotes

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Chapter 1 The Curriculum: The Class took place once a week in the old professor’s house by a window in the study every Tuesdays began after breakfast subject is The Meaning of Life taught from experience grades weren’t given out expected to respond to questions no books were required then the professor died no final exam but expected to produce one long paper had only one student
Mitch was that student

FLASHBACK graduate in late spring 1979 from Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts
Morrie Schwartz his favorite professor bought his professor a briefcase with his initials on it the professor was crying after mitch started to walk away

Chapter 2 The Syllabus:
Morries death sentence came in summer of 1994 every Wednesday night go to …show more content…

thinking of his younger brother often, and has tried to call him at home in Spain. He had left messages letting him know that he wanted to talk to him resting on the chair in his study, and relays his latest aphorism, "When you're in bed, you're dead."

Chapter 20 The Tenth Tuesday We Talk about Marriage: no longer eat any of the food Mitch brings him, as he is restricted to a diet of liquids disease has reached his lungs, which he had always said would mark his death. now reliant on an oxygen tank, and suffers violent, hour-long coughing spells, each a serious threat to his life says that marriage is a