The Book Of Job

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God is Great. This is a well known phrase that many religions preach to the believers. The term "great" should refer to righteous aspects such as positive things, helpfulness, kindness, and many other attributes of justice. However, if God is all good then why does he allow evil and human suffering? Faith in God, shouldn't be affiliated with human suffering. The Book of Job is based on human suffering and wrestles with the idea of God's tolerance of evil. Throughout this essay, I will analysis God's transcendence power which rejects all evil and relive the phrase God is Great.

The Book of Job begins with stating that this Jewish masterpiece was actually conducted by a Gentile (Non-Jew). Also its author is unknown and is only imagined …show more content…

Religion teaches that God is perfect and only represents good. Then why is evil still in our world? It is important to understand that this is not heaven, things weren't meant to be perfect. Also, men and women need difficulties in their lives to show remembrance of God. Personally, when things are going my way I don't remember God as much even though the happiness I have is coming from him. However, in times of hardship I tend to pray and remember God more. The intriguing part of the Book of Job is that Job was such a pure man, how could God let evil touch him? Eliphaz the Temanite was one of the three friends that came to comfort Job during his time of need. Eliphaz encourages Job to continue to embrace God and believe in his almighty powers. "Have you lost all faith in your piety, all hope in your perfect conduct? Can an innocent man be punished? Can a good man die in distress? I have seen the plowers of evil reaping the crimes they sowed. One breath from God and they shrivel up; one blast of his rage and they burn. The lion may roar with fury, but his teeth are cracked in his mouth. The jackal howls and goes hungry; the wolf is driven away."(Eliphaz 18). Eliphaz indicates that even if there is evil occurring, God's intention is to one day destroy it. I believe that this idea circles around many faiths. Since Job performs perfect conduct, it is extremely hard for him to cope with the …show more content…

If he played by God’s rules, why did he still lose? This is a genuine question that comes about. I like how God is recognized in the Book of JOb as the “Unnameable” and the “Voice from the Whirlwind.” Nobody has seen God or knows him personally. Yet he is still the driving force of religion and symbolizes the ultimate power in the universe. He is known as the creator of mankind. I don't believe that life's hardships should sake matter like faith. Faith is so strong that it can transform the question of “Do you Believe” to “How do you believe” (What religion do you practice?) When the voice speaks it says, “Who is this whose ignorant words smear my design with darkness? Stand up like a man; I will question you;please instruct me. Where were you when I planned the earth? Tell me if you are so wise? (pg 79) God is the one who made everything and without him, we wouldn’t even be here in the first place. Their is a phrase; the world doesn’t owe you anything, because it was here first. How about God doesn’t owe you anything, he was here first? He still gives us. He serves as our protector and guardian. A simple Cross around your neck provides you with comfort that no scientific nonsense can ever provide you with. Reading an Ayat before leaving the house makes you feel strong and protected. Likewise with any religion, we get a sense of security during tough times, such as what Job is going through. The voice