The Book Thief by Zusak is a story told in perspective by the narrator, Death. Death follows the life of a young girl, Liesel, who is being brought up during a time of war all over Europe. World War I has begun and Death is taking its toll on the world, just as Hitler is trying to do in Nazi Germany. As Death watches Liesel, she continues to steal books from the streets and the mayor’s house. With the use of the stolen books, the value of reading helps Liesel and many others get through the tough times of despair. Through the use of books, Liesel manages to help herself and many other people forget the Death going on around Europe. The Book Thief is a plot that uncovers the true meaning of literacy through the use of the literary value of the power of words and the literary aspects of the novel. As the novel unfolds, many hidden messages containing the literary value of the story come to life. Liesel learns that the power of words can have a huge impact on society, which is the value Zusak is trying to give to the reader. During the novel, Hitler tries to destroy the power of words by burning all the books in the town Liesel is residing. Liesel grabs a book from the burning flames, “Beneath her shirt, a …show more content…
The use of the power of words on society helps determine why the message is the literary value through the distraction of words during a time of war. Literacy helped distract Liesel and her fellow neighbors from the bombs going on right outside the bomb shelter. The literary elements add emphasis on the novel by showing hidden symbols and can help determine the importance of the main characters in the book. The narrator of Death helped discuss the setting of the novel and also helped evaluate the main character of Liesel as she continued to steal books. The Book Thief will remain a book ran by the importance of reading and