Genesis 12 Opening Prayer Essay

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The call of Abram: Genesis 12
Opening Prayer……
I wonder what you’re scared of? Spiders? Snakes? Dentists? For me - heights? Anyone else? Recount holiday last year – climbing Conwy castle – how I felt. Mark NOT sympathetic – spent his time taking photos! This reminded me of a story about a climber.
There was one a climber high up on a cliff when suddenly he lost grip and fell but managed to hang onto a branch as he fell to the ground. “ Is there anybody there?” he shouted. A resplendent voice spoke through the valley:
“I will help you, but you must have faith.” “God is that really you?” replied the climber. “Yes my child have faith and I will provide.” “I will trust anything!” cried the man.
“If you let go of the tree – you will be saved” spoke the voice. …show more content…

Pray constantly. Don’t just talk at God but LISTEN. I need to listen more and this is why Prayer ministry is so important here at St James and I ask you to take advantage of this please don’t let the Prayer ministry team get bored!
4. Other areas. God can show His plans for us through other means, through friends and family – through current circumstance and even through visions and dreams. Note - these areas are subjective - carefully appraise these areas through scripture / prayer etc.
And, like Abram, God has a plan for each of us. I urge you to explore those areas just mentioned and ask God again and again who He wants us to be for Him as that can be specific for each of us. But in in addition to this, part of God’s plan is for us to become more and more Christ-like as the years go by and to use us to bring others to him. I need you to imagine something so would you close your eyes for a second please. Think for a moment about the person or persons who helped you come to Christ. What did they tell you about Jesus? Part of God’s plan through them was to bring you home – your salvation. And God calls us to do the same. I leave you tonight with 3 challenges that I would like you to consider this