The Call Of The Wild By Jack London

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We have read a lot of books this nine weeks, varying from The Call of the Wild to Annabel Lee. My favorite book i have read this year has to be The Call of the Wild by the famous author Jack London. There are so many good things about the book, and actually managed to get a good movie counterpart, unlike many other books.
Some of the reasons that I like The Call of the Wild (I am going to call it The Call for short) are that the story has so many unexpected events. In most books, you can guess what will happen so easily. There are some expected events in The Call that happen, like when Buck and Spitz were fighting, it was an easy guess that there would be a battle that killed one of the two. That is really good to know though, because that involved the story progressing as well as keeping readers entertained. Another reason I like it is that it is a short book. Most people would write that off as being a bad book for being such a small book. People …show more content…

Examples being Spitz getting killed by Buck, Buck killing a bunch of Yeehat Indians, and Buck fighting the other dogs. Another term to describe The Call is abuse, as Buck is put through mounds of torture. Buck was abused multiple times by the man in the red sweater. Buck was also abused by Charles a lot. Perrault and Francois never really abused Buck. Buck did finally get a loving owner though in the end, until he died. Another term to describe the book would be sled dogs. Buck is made into a sled dog. He is a sled dog for all of his owners, Perrault and Francois, Han, Charles, and Mercedes, and John Thornton. Another term to describe this book would be death, as lots of characters die. Some important ones being Curly, Spitz, and John Thornton. Some less important ones are the side characters. Not really a term, but a question to describe this story is “why?”. The story has lots of deaths that just make the reader go “What?”, or