Canadian Welfare State Essay

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The Canadian Welfare State

The welfare state and its history
The Canadian welfare state was officially introduced in the 1960s, even though the basis was made in the 1950s. However, the idea of the social welfare was introduced a lot earlier in the 20th century.
After World War 1 ended, problems started to build up. Especially financial problems. People became unemployed worsening the economy issue. Resulting in the currency to devalue until it was worth almost nothing. Due to this, and some other issues, the economy spiralled down even more. A solution had to be made. Many were thinking of a welfare state, this idea distributed quickly and the foundations were made in the 1950s.
Nowadays, the social welfare state includes the Guaranteed …show more content…

Most of the time, they stretch this to much longer days and working weeks. This is due to the lack of job security, which makes people work extra hard so that they are unmissable and useful. This leads towards a strong sense of ‘doing the right thing’ because if you do not, you might just get fired. Resulting in a low level of corruption, causing Canada to be one of the most business-friendly countries in the world.
The Canadian body believes that the way to success is by your own doing. They are very proud of their work and of what they have accomplished. Everyone in Canada has equal opportunities, this one of the most important drives because it removes favouritism. Resulting in everyone being equally important and able to do influential business.
In Canada your social status is quite important. You dress properly according to where you work, what you do at work, etc. You keep time, and you also make sure that if you are running late, everyone knows this. Canada being a bilingual country, even though English is the lingua franca, having some knowledge of the French language is required for you to be able to run your all meetings

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