Essay On Welfare Reform

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Welfare is a program that was design to help the poor or unemployment to pay for food, medical cost and etc. Welfare reform isn’t as positive as everyone thing is it. Welfare reform should be remove from the United States system because the effects of welfare is encouraging the breakups of low income families. Welfare was designed as a system to help children.
The United states welfare program has help with the increase of poverty. Poverty is living situations where your unable to earn enough income to keep up the current cost of living. Clearly we are doing something wrong. Throwing money at the problem has neither reduced poverty nor made the poor self-sufficient. The unemployment benefits and taxing profits plays a role in crippling the welfare system an increasing poverty because the welfare system is taking taxes and using unemployment benefits and giving them to the wealthy instead …show more content…

welfare system has failed. Designed as a system to help children, it has ended up damaging and abusing the very children it was intended to save. Welfare tries to reduces poverty, and so will increase children's lifetime well-being and attainment. This is untrue. Higher welfare payments do not help children; they increase dependence and illegitimacy, which have a devastating effect on children's development. The main negative note is that teenagers were more likely to get into trouble after school because working mothers were more likely unavailable to supervise them. More kids were more likely in the streets selling drugs or stealing to help their parent/s. The tragedy of government welfare programs is not just wasted taxpayer money but wasted lives. The effects of welfare in encouraging the breakup of low income families. The primary way that those with low incomes can advance in the market economy is to get married, stay married, and work but welfare programs have created incentives to do the