
Essay On Welfare Drug Testing

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Welfare recipients around America are not doing anything to get off of welfare. Research shows that they spend more money on things they do not necessarily need, rather than carefully spending their money on the necessities. Welfare is for people who need the extra help to get themselves and their families by. Many people on welfare are wasting their money on drugs and alcohol. Welfare recipients should be required to pass a drug test in order to receive the benefits of welfare. Anybody who is on drugs needs help to get off of them, and the welfare recipients would receive free help. The taxpayers that work for their money do not want to see their taxes go somewhere of no use. Welfare recipients that have been regularly drug-tested drug usage goes down. Drug testing welfare recipients would be beneficial to both the taxpayers and the welfare recipients. The taxpayers would feel more secure that their payments are not going to waste, and the welfare recipients …show more content…

Opposers claim that making a drug test mandatory for welfare recipients unconstitutional and goes directly against the fourth amendment. The fourth amendment of the U.S. Constitution states, “the rights of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated… ,” (Fast). While this is a good argument welfare recipients are not the only ones who have ever had to take a mandatory drug test. Several people in the working class must take a drug test as well as a background check, and this is considered legal. The working class must pass a drug test to make the money that ends up going to welfare. People receiving the welfare benefits should be required to do the same as the working class. Welfare recipients should not receive any more special treatment than they already get.

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