The Case Of Nicola Sacco And Bartolomeo Vanzetti

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The two immigrants, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, were Italian born Americans that were convicted with one of the most famous crimes the United States has ever seen. They were known for being anarchist’s. This case is a rather interesting one because neither male had a past criminal record which also means no signs of misdemeanors or felonies. Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were Italian-Americans who were tried and convicted of theft and murder in 1920, but it is highly suspected they were scapegoats for the crime. All of Sacco and Vanzetti’s life flashed before them as on April 15, 1920 they were convicted of some of the highest crimes an individual could be charged with. Theft of $15,000 and two counts of murder. “Anti-radical …show more content…

All of this started on April 15, 1920 when a paymaster for a shoe company in South Braintree, Massachusetts, was shot and murdered along with $15,000 stolen. Also another guy was killed which was the guard of the shoe store. “After going to a garage to claim a car that police said was connected with the crime, Sacco and Vanzetti were arrested and charged with the crime (History).” No one knows why they were there at the time of this event in the car that had something to do with the attack. Both men carried weapons on them at this time too. But it was weird because neither of them had a criminal record before this. How could they have just killed someone and rob $15,000 and never do anything bad in their life before this? That is something that is never truly answered in their case. A little over a year passed and the two were convicted and sentenced to die. This case was if not the most unlawfully sensational court case the United States has ever passed. The police and investigators could not come up with any evidence of the stolen money which means that the two were very innocent and they got sentenced to death for no reason. According to much of the information on them was discredited later on when they realized that they were innocent but still did not do anything because they were immigrants. “During the next few years, sporadic protests were held in Massachusetts and around the …show more content…

Going back to the Celestino Madeiros, he confessed that he basically did the crime and killed those two people but the nation’s Supreme Court did not care. They knew that the two foreigners were innocent and this Mr.Madeiros was guilty but they decided not to reopen the court case for more investigations on this case. “A storm of protest arose with mass meetings throughout the nation. Governor Alvan T. Fuller appointed an independent advisory committee consisting of President A. Lawrence Lowell of Harvard University, President Samuel W. Stratton of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Robert Grant, a former judge (Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica).” In the August of 1927 the government refused to reverse this act of the Supreme Court and also refused to even look at this matter even if it were to cost two American lives. This matter was so popular throughout the U.S bombs were set off in major cities like; New York City, Philadelphia, and Boston. But none of this mattered because on August 23, 1927 Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were brutality sentenced to death in the electric