The Cat Of Bubastes Chapter Summary

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The Cat Of Bubastes is a historical fiction which takes place in Rebu, an ancient civilization caught in the throws of war with Egypt. While preparing for battle with the Egyptians, Amuba, the son of the king of Rebu, goes out to battle with his father. He sees him fall to his death. The Egyptians soon conquer Rebu, picking out some captives to be slaves. They return with them to Egypt. The high priest of the Egyptians chose Amuba for his servant and at his pleadings, took Jethro, (Amuba’s friend), as well. Amuba was given to a boy named Chebron and Jethro was given to a young girl named Mysa. They loved their masters. Amuba and Chebron become fast friends and Mysa becomes quite fond of Jethro. On a hunting trip, they save the life of

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