The Causes And Effects Of Black On Black Crime

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Black on black crime is a major problem in Kansas City Mo, and St . louis Mo. a lot has been going on with black on black crime for the last 3 or 4 years. What can we do as black people to take a stand to this maddest and say enough is enough. Black on black crime has went up 17% in missouri the last 3 years. Why can’t the police stop this instead the police don’t care about us they would rather us kill each other instead of us coming together and making peace with one another.
Black on black crime is tragic in more ways than one. Why can’t we come together and get along instead of fighting and shooting and killing one another. This maddest bring’s a lot of pain to families that have lost loved ones to gun violence. We as people are not perfect but killing somebody is not the way in life to make peace with our enemy. Let us take time as people to stop killing and make peace because when judgement day comes a lot of people that have killed somebody and not ask for forgiveness will go to hell.
Black on black crime has been a problem since the early 70’s but was not as bad as it is today. Black on black crime has been a big deal because young people are dying everyday because somebody the same age has a gun not to protect but to kill another person because they might not be as good as them or they did something to them that was wrong so they seek revenge on that person. Why can’t we as young people set a good example for our kids and their generation.
Why is the police not