The Causes Of Russian Revolutions In The 20th Century

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Talking about Russia during the 20th century, people think about revolution. Before that, ethnic conflicts were usually resolved by wars. Yet after the 17th century, revolution gradually appears. Russia revolution during 1917 to 1926 brought up a brand new political system, established the first socialist country. In addition brought huge progress on Russia subsequent development.

The causes of Russian revolutions during 1917 can be categorise into long term and short term factors. The long term cause was the military failure Russian had in World War 1. Increasing casualties put Russian into a chaos. The living and working conditions were poor, people all over Russia were sustained the shortage of everyday goods. Nicholas’s wife Alexandra took over Nicholas’s position since Nicholas leaved Russia to take control of the Russian army in the war. However Alexandra’s poor management and the awful condition workers had during World War 1 produced scintillas that ignite the following revolutions. Short term causes are the combination of political, economics and social factors. There were 2 main political parties which were Mensheviks and Bolsheviks. The former wanted an amelioration on economics, advocated a more open democratic party instead of the more exclusive. The later believed it’s the right time to overthrown the Tsar and advocated a centralised party participate with specialised revolutionaries. During February 25, 200000 workers were protesting on the street.