The Causes Of Schizophrenia

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Schizophrenia is commonly described as schizophrenia psychosis because of the impact it has on the brain. This illness causes trouble-distinguishing reality, hallucinations, lack of speech and it affects the behavior of people who has it. The disorder has also a great impact on the patients’ family. Schizophrenia affects 1% of the population in America, and it does not discriminate, women and men are equally affected. Scientists believed this disorder is caused generically and environmentally. This disorder is not hereditary; some schizophrenics have no family member with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a chronic disorder, which means it is a long life condition. There is no cure for this disease, but there are plenty of treatments that can …show more content…

It is well known that more than 10 percent of schizophrenics suffer from depression. Depression is a big controversy because when someone suffers from it, it can lead to addictions and even death. No one is sure about the cause of depression in schizophrenics, but one idea of it, is the way people treat them. The Clinical Rehabilitation article, points out those individuals with schizophrenia are considered unable of having a normal life. (p. 1). This makes them feel bad and they go into depression. Scientists have been looking for a treatment to depression on schizophrenics but it is a hard thing to do because some medications tend to increase the depression. The only medication that has been working for them is the antipsychotic medicines. Castle and Jensen (2014), made a post hoc analysis about three studies that were done with different medications and the result was that asenapine “may represent a beneficial treatment option for the management of depressive symptoms in patients with schizophrenia” (p.13). Medicine can help schizophrenics have a normal life and some other methods exist, …show more content…

When they hallucinate and behave different, their mind is playing with them and suicide may be the only way out. “Between 10 and 15% of the patients commit suicide” (Gunmo & Bergman, 2011). According to other studies suicide attempt in schizophrenics appear when they just find out they have the disorder. This might be because they are depressed and because of their hallucinations. Even though this has been proved, it is not a secret that suicidal behavior in patients is a lifelong thing. Addictions can lead to suicidal attempt, there is more chance of this to happen if an individual is an alcoholic or is in drugs. Although there is no preference in this disease, it remains to say men often try to commit suicide more than women do. Patients who are more vulnerable and attempt more towards their life are teenagers. However, that does not mean old people with schizophrenia do not need attention. (Gunnmo & Bergman. 2011, p.1). All of them need attention and that is why their family need to be well informed about their