The Cay Timothy Analysis

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Timothy, one of the main characters in the short novel The Cay, has contributed greatly to the story's plot line. Although he hasn’t changed much throughout the story, Timothy cared for Phillip, the other main character in the story. Timothy of Charlotte Amalie was a massive, older black man. Many people considered him ugly, especially Phillip, because of his flat nose and broad face. His cracked skin showed how intense the work was on the hot decks of the schooners. Even though Timothy was an older man, he was extremely strong, muscles rippled over his arms and around his broad shoulders. It was easy to tell that he was West Indian, because his voice was like soft calypso, the words that came out of Timothy’s mouth rubbed off like soft velvet. Even though Timothy’s appearance seemed intimidating, his actions reflected very differently. …show more content…

For example, on page thirty-two, he held Phillips head while he was very ill. In a different section in the novel, he moved Phillip toward the sun, because he was cold from the wind, which showed the concern Timothy had for the young boy. Another attribute that showed through his actions was the fact that he was resourceful. During their time on the raft, Timothy used his clothing to make a shelter that would protect them from the burning sun (page 32). While on the island, Timothy prepared a shelter, fishing poles, a rain catchment, and numerous other things from just the resources he could find. Other than being kind and resourceful, Timothy was strict when he had to be. For example, on page fifty-two Phillip fell into the water while sharks were nearby, and Timothy was in rage, because he had told the young boy about how the sharks could harm him. Timothy's actions showed many things about who he was as a person, but his speech and thoughts showed who he was even