The Central Passage In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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The central passage in Volume 2 Chapter 8 of Mary Shelley’s 1818 novel “Frankenstein” is the. The subsequent rage in his rejection by the De Lacey’s plunges the Creature into a fit “of utter and stupid despair” as he loses “the only link that held [him] to the world”. As the human emotions of “revenge and hatred fill [the Creature]”; his memories of the De Lacey’s converge in his conscious, their benevolent attributes and characteristics combating his revelling anger at their reaction to his plea for acceptance albeit not for long. The Creature eventually turns his “fury towards inanimate objects”; Shelley demonstrating the Creature’s capability for benevolence as he is “unable to injure anything human”. As the moon sunk and “night advanced”, …show more content…

The anger directed at inanimate leads to the destruction of the garden as well as the cottage, with genesis connotations binding the pair, “every vestige of cultivation in the garden” which had been meticulously managed by De Lacey himself to delicate perfection symbolically identifying as the beauty of the Garden of Eden, and the consuming fire that “clung to [the cottage]” and “licked it with their forked and destroying tongues” alluding to the fires of hell and the forked tongue of the snake of which appeared to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The cottage also represents the Creature’s resolution towards society; being a manifestation of human endeavour, he lashes out on that which took from him the power of companionship. The passage also comprises a major pathetic fallacy, the weather reflecting the creature’s state of mind; the natural phenomena of the storm ravaging the landscape as a “fierce wind arose from the woods and quickly dispersed the clouds that had loitered in the heavens”, the ominous setting echoing a gothic nature. Shelley disperses key imagery throughout the passage, embellishing the genesis connotations of satanic nature with the Creature’s disposition as well as enhancing the perpetuation of the novel by integrating the effect that societal based isolation has on