The Changing Roles Of Women During The Renaissance

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Will women ever be viewed as "equal"? European society saw numerous major changes throughout the Renaissance, some of which even affected women. The majority of women in Europe were excluded from this, though, as the Renaissance placed an undue emphasis on social standing and traditional values and considered them more like things than actual individuals. Most of the improvements brought about by the Renaissance were only for women of higher social classes, despite some claims that certain women had the chance to escape traditional gender norms. While the majority still had little or no rights, only they were permitted to participate in matters relating to education, the arts, and the courts. As a result, throughout the Renaissance, women's conventional gender roles became even more established.

There are many claims that women were granted additional privileges because during the Renaissance they could follow their interests in the arts, education, and even count affairs. Although there is some merit to this argument, upper-class women were the only ones it pertained to. Only upper-class women received more rights and …show more content…

As the firstborn son was believed to inherit everything during the Renaissance, unlike women who were perceived as being unqualified for the role due to their gender. Even women were not able to assume control of a home or engage in politics. Women were still unable to freely pick their spouses because it was exclusively determined by the family and the person's status/reputation. Because of their households' greed, women were auctioned off to high-ranking families in hopes of achieving a higher rank in society. Even after being married, the only thing they could do was take care of the house, the family, and the husband, along with some sewing, cooking, and entertaining. As a result, they had to rely extensively on their male counterparts to get by each