The Character Of Telemachus In Homer's Odyssey

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Imagine living in ancient times when science did not explain the way the universe works, rather myths filled with death and destruction, and glory and Gods were all you had to turn to. According to Bulfinch, "The myths of the ancients were allegorical and symbolical, and contained some moral, religious, or philosophical truth or historical fact, under the form of an allegory", but came in process of time to be understood literally. The ancient Greeks took what was originally meant to be fiction and made it fact. Although scientific advancements have taken the place of the myths for most people today, the ancient Greeks devoutly believed in Gods and goddesses like Athena who in their minds influenced everything around them. In Greek Mythology, …show more content…

Of all the powers Athena has been granted, her most interesting feature is being able to take on the appearance of anything she needs to in order to manipulate any situation in her favor. In the Odyssey, when Telemachus has given up on Odysseus because he has been gone so long, "Athena assumed the appearance of a family friend, the Taphian chieftain Mentes, bronze spear in hand”(Homer 113). She does this in order to get Telemachus to forgive his father and go to save him. Her visit is effective because Telemachus stepped up to the plate and took control of his household. Athena uses her ability to morph into whatever entity she needs often throughout Greek Mythology for good intentions. In conclusion, since Athena’s birth, she has been one of the most influential goddess in Greek mythology. Along with being the goddess of wisdom, she is also known for courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill. She is the most truest by Zeus, the God of all God’s. Along with this, her most dominant feature is being able to take on the appearance of anything she wants to manipulate any situation in her favor. With all of these, she has extraordinary powers, which guide both immortal and mortals