Rattus Norvegicus Essay

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The Rattus Norvegicus rat is mostly nocturnal. This kind of rat 's eyes are actually built for a nocturnal lifestyle. During the night these rats take the dark as time to prepare nest, dig burrows, and forage for food. Since Rattus Norvegicus are very fast learners they can remember any route they take through a sewer or burrow networks. This helps these rats at night because it is the time that they go foraging for food in areas that contain many food resources. Just like the Rattus Norvegicus forages to find its food, these rats also forage to build their nest. Any leaves, garbage, twigs, paper, feathers, and shredded vegetation that these rats find will be what their nest is made out of. Then, the burrows that these rats dig themselves are used as a place to store food, nesting, and an area to hide.

The rat species Rattus Norvegicus tends to live in big packs, with a dominant male as their “leader”. While the rats live in these big packs, they use multiple ways of communications in order to be able to communicate with each other. The Rattus Norvegicus in general has great hearing, but typically when they are communicating with other rats they uses visual cues and body postures. Other than rats great hearing, this is only one good sense that these rats have. The Rattus Norvegicus also have a great sense …show more content…

In the wild this type of rat rarely goes over the age of one although it is common it would be possible for the Rattus Norvegicus to live up to the age of three. Reaching this age would be very rare as this species of rat will barely reach the age of three living in a household as a pet. The average age for the Rattus Norvegicus would be around two years.The main cause of natural death in rats would be cancer. Another huge way for rats to die is from their predators likes cats, foxes or dogs. Also, many wild rats die when they invade humans property from the poison humans put out to get rid of the