The Characteristics Of Women In Sophia's War

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The women of the american revolution share many common characteristics with Sophia Calderwood the main character in the novel Sophia’s War By Avi. Three characteristics Sophia shares with these women are bravery, determination, and self-sacrifice.

One characteristic Sophia shares with the women of the american revolution is bravery. Sophia had to leave her family to become a spy for the patriots during the american revolution, this was a very brave act especially for a 16 year old, because of the danger she could be in if she were to be caught. “thus, I made up my mind. I would join Robert Townsend. I would become a spy.”(147) This act of bravery relates to Emily Geiger, a young girl who volunteered to go 100 miles by horse to deliver …show more content…

When Sophia witnessed Nathan Hale’s hanging all she could think about was her brother William and how he could end up the same way, but not once did she think about herself, and that she would end up being hanged or shot, she just wanted her family to be safe and was determined to do whatever it took for that to happen. Sophia shares this quality with Deborah Samson. After her husband died, Deborah Sampson enlisted, dressed as a man with a uniform she stitched herself. “In the spring of 1782, half a year after General Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown, Deborah Sampson — wearing a uniform she had stitched herself — enlisted in the Fourth Massachusetts Regiment of the Continental Army using the name of a distant relative, Robert Shurtleff.” “Without any doubt, it altered the history of my country, as it altered mine. Indeed, what i had just witnessed was the beginning of my extraordinary adventures.” (9) These examples show that Sophia and Deborah Samson both were very determined during the …show more content…

Sophia sacrificed everything so her family, and her country would be safe. When Sophia became a spy she knew it was a risk, but all she could think about was justifying her brother, and helping the patriots win the war. This took a great deal of selflessness and self sacrifice, and was not easy, however she still willingly did it. She knew she could get seriously injured or even die, but all she could think about is her country. Sophia shares this quality with Molly Pitcher. Molly pitcher helped many injured people for not much in return. “They often tended to the wounded and the dead, worked in hospitals, endeavored to boost morale, and fetched water. It is estimated that they made up between five and 10 percent of a camp’s population, and since Patriot soldiers remained without pay for long periods, the most women received in return for their labor were army rations.” “At that time, when american expectations were so badly bent, you may well understand my chief concern was William.”(15) These examples show that Sophia and Molly Pitcher were both were very selfless during the