The Chicago Ripper Crew: A Famous Serial Killer

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Edward Spreitzer Edward Spreitzer was born on January 5, 1961 in Chicago Illinois and is a known serial killer. Throughout his whole life, Spreitzer did not get along with his stepfather and was often bullied as a child. Around 18 years old, Spreitzer was asked to leave home when he was involved in a horrific car accident. After leaving, Spreitzer eventually met Robin Gecht, where he joined his satanic cult. Due to Spreitzers’ low IQ of 76, many people believe this was a factor in why he was so easily manipulated. Along with Spreitzer and Gecht, there were two other members, Thomas and Andrew Kokoraleis were also apart of this cult. Their cult was known as “The Ripper Crew” or “Chicago Rippers” taking name after the infamous “Jack the Ripper”. A majority of their kidnappings occurred in Illinois and often targeted random women as their victims. The Ripper Crew was suspected of the disappearances of 18 women. …show more content…

They would first drive around in a van and look for any woman ranging from tall, short, blonde and or brunette and then bring them back to Gecht’s apartment, which was also known as “the satanic chapel”, and remove one breast from the victim preferably the left. It was later discovered that Gecht had a love for breasts because of family influence claiming his family from previous generations all had wives with large breasts. Gecht had an obsession and love for breasts and the left one because it was believed the left was symbolic for Satan. After removing the breasts, the gang would eat the breasts as Gecht