The Children Of Men Character Analysis

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The overall novel is written on the conflict of global infertility, but the storyline progressed quite slowly for the first two to three chapters before the first main conflict occurred. Theo, the novel’s protagonist, has loss faith of humanity and runs over his fifteen-month-old daughter, Natalie, on accident and was left by his wife Helena who was horrified, guilty, and consumed with grief as she thought that Theo couldn’t care less which was true. I sense a slight sense of jealousy in Theo as he states, “She would rather have Natalie alive than me” about his wife. After this point, Theo attempts justifying his actions to himself ending up feeling more guilty as he says, “For Christ’s sake it was an accident. I didn’t mean to do it. I’m not the only father to have run down his child. She was supposed to be looking after Natalie, the child was her responsibil-ity, she made it plain enough it wasn’t mine. The least she could have done was look after her properly.” He …show more content…

It revolves around the global conflict of infertility that strikes the world in 1994 as the last child, Joseph Ricardo was born. It takes place during a time where the government was constantly enforcing tests for a widespread amount of humans to check if their fertility is back. It takes place during a time when the government gives no concern to the harm going on with it’s citizens as people are abusing sex and marriage. The reason the book is portrayed upon the future is because it discusses dictatorship and radical country leadership, which is an occurrence in present day that is often times neglected by those in luxury living their lives, while others live on the streets and suffer from poverty. It’s message is to convey that if action and awareness isn’t taken now the entire human population will have to live with something that will sweep away their