In the film, “The Children who Built Victorian Britain”, shows various roles that children played in aiding the Industrial age. Children workers in England were called, the White Slaves of England. Some children would cleaned chimneys. They would’ve been naked and cleaning chimneys with a brush. The first waves factory in England were made up of Orphans. Children worked 14-15 hours a day. Agriculture account one-third of children’s job. At the age six, farm work children were employed as a human scarecrow. Seven hundred and two boys fought in the Battle of Trafalgar. In the coal mind were topless ladies. In some pits it was the practice of women and young boys to be chained to the carts that the minders field with coal, in which they dragged through hot …show more content…
I think there isn't a bias in the video. The film portrays everything fairly, because it explains child labor and parliament. For example, Children workers in England were called the White Slaves of England. The goals of the film “The Children who Built Victorian Britain”, are the harmful roles that children played in aiding the Industrial age and ways that Parliament tried to legislate against child labor. The target audience of this film are young children. I think that the audience will understand and pay attention to the video, because they will see what all children went through during that age of time. They will start to be more appreciated. This video leave me with some questions. My question are, Why didn't the children run away and why did their parents agree for their children to work at such a young age. This video makes me feel pessimistic, because of the way children were treated and the lies they were told. I think the creators intended this feeling. The film “The Children who built Victorian Britain”, didn't make a difference in my thinking when I saw the