Colombian Culture Research Paper

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The Colombian culture is formed from the inheritance of the indigenous peoples present in the territory since ancient times. The Spanish traditions adopted during the colonial era and the African customs incorporated by the slaves brought by the conquerors. This mixture of cultures constitutes a society with features common to the rest of Latin American countries but, at the same time, very different. In fact, even within the Colombian territory, there are many differences between regions.
Some of the most prominent cultural groups according to their location are the so-called cachacos, located in the cundiboyacense highlands. the paisas are in settlements in Antioquia. The llaneros are located in the inhabitants of the Eastern Plains. The …show more content…

Of these inhabitants, 85.94% of the Colombian population classified themselves without ethnicity, this includes Jews and Arabs. The ancestry of the Colombian whites is mainly Spanish and Arabic, with some Italian, French, German and Slavic contributions. The white population has played an influential role in the history of Colombia, were those that traditionally constituted government institutions and drafted constitution. Also, the white population was in the high command of the army, the construction of infrastructure, universities, and sciences. the Afro-Colombian group reached 10.62% of the population, the indigenous group at 3.43% 1, and as a gypsy, the 0.01% that according to the census is about 5,000 people and descend directly from European gypsies, are distributed among popular sectors of the cities and in variable nuclei called …show more content…

The rest of the ethnic groups are Achagua, Andakí, Andoque, Arhuaco, Awá, Bara, Barasana, Barí, Camsá, Carijona, Cocama, Cofán, Coreguaje, Cubeo, Cuiba, Chimila, Desano, Chimila, Guambiano, Guanano, Guayabero, Huitoto, Inga , Jupda, Karapana, Kogui, Kurripako, Macuna, Macaguane, Mocaná, Muisca, Nukak, Piapoco, Pijao, Piratapuyo, Puinave, Saliba, Sikuani, Siona, Tatuyo, Tinigua, Tucano, Umbra, U'wa,, Wiwa, Wounaan, Yagua, Yanacona, Yucuna Yukpa and Zenú. The indigenous people do not currently constitute 4% of the population in Colombia, and it is distributed mainly in rural areas. The Nineteens centuries, the constitution recognizes the fundamental rights of the indigenous peoples of Colombia after having been victims of abuses, semi-slavery, harsh living conditions and forced labor for centuries. The indigenous languages are also official in their territories, apart from Spanish, 64 Amerindian languages are spoken. In addition, hundreds of dialects, which are grouped into 13 linguistic families and part of the Colombian culture.
An element to keep in mind that determines the cultural diversity in Colombia is the natural conditions in which its inhabitants live. Those who live in the coastal areas, both in the Pacific and the Atlantic have a way of living that is different from those that live in the