The Color Purple Movie And Movie Analysis

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Alice Walker’s The Color Purple revolves around a woman named Celie, a woman who was sexually abused and sold into marriage by her father. As we read about her story, we are introduced to the various people she encounters in her life, including a woman named Shug Avery. Not only is Shug the mistress of Celie’s husband, they also develop a deep connection with each other. The movie version, directed by Steven Spielberg, offers a different take on the way we view Shug. I believe that he shows her in a more positive light, as opposed to Alice Walker’s representation of her. Shug is shown to be more relatable and her character is more likely to be accepted in today’s society. One of the changes that Spielberg makes to the film is they way in which Shug prevents Celie from killing Albert , who is her husband. In the novel, she calms Celie down by telling her stories of Albert’s past and how happy he made her. To contrast this, in the movie, it shows her running from a field all the way to the front porch of the house, where Celie is planning the murder of her husband. During this sequence, Spielberg shows us scenes of an …show more content…

She is depicted in both movie and novel as a protagonist who shows a lot of love (disregarding her children with Albert). Though we can see that Spielberg changed her up in his rendition of The Color Purple, the audience can still see what she is a likeable person. Though she does have her flaws, she is very accepting of others and serves as a sign of happiness in Celie’s life. While both versions have their differences in the way she is represented, there is no doubt that she is a revolutionary woman in her day and age. She is independent and does whatever she pleases, as opposed to Celie who is basically is shackles from the likes of her father and Albert. She is truly the sign of freedom in a time where Black people were persecuted by a white male dominated patriarchal