The Concept Of Diaspora And Diasporic Identity

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The previous two chapters illustrated that diaspora and diasporic identity formation are inherently linked to one another. Diasporas and diasporic identities are produced through representations and within cultural discourse. They do not only depend on, but also constitute difference. They are processes of inclusion and exclusion, defining who does and who does not belong. As Paul Gilroy argues, they are “as much about difference as about shared belonging”. Hence, belongingness is important for the diasporic experience. What is more, the question of belonging is closely related to the question of home, as Avtar Brah argues: “the question of home, therefore, is intrinsically linked with the way in which processes of inclusion and exclusion operate [. . .]. It is centrally about our political and personal struggles over the social regulation of ‘belonging’”. This means that when we look at a diaspora, we have to look at the way identity is constituted and what role the concept of home and belonging play in this. 3.1 Multiple Ways of Belonging Diasporas and diasporic identities are constructed through complex processes of inclusion and exclusion. They are therefore all about personal and collective experiences of belonging – be it social, geographical or cultural. But how can we understand this concept of belonging? The works of Nina Yuval-Davis and Marco Antonsich give us a good overview of the many implications that come with the concept of belonging. Antonsich says that