Harmony Without Uniformity Analysis

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Harmony has a meaning similar to peace, security and equality as well as equivalent to the happiness of the Confucian perspective. Also, the concept of harmony has empowered with the imagination of prosperity. To some extent, there has distortion of unity due to political aims. This section will focus on the mutual relation between harmony and another similar concept to examine the conceptual manipulation of the notion of harmony. The idea of Harmony often connects with the idea of peace. Till to modern, it is then related to the sense of security which also has separated from the military defence for security and connected with social well-being as a whole. The definition of peace is a situation in which people are pleasant and do not cause …show more content…

Ancient Confucianism imitates political practice forms the natural pattern. Nonetheless, The Chinese government, especially emphasizes the importance of multicultural diversity refers to the phrase “Harmony without uniformity” in the section of Zi Luin the Analects. According to James Legge’s translation, the sense of individual principle of behaviour can firstly be shown as follows, “The superior man is affable, but not adulatory; the mean man is adulatory, but not affable.” The principle of a behaviour of the superior man, alleged Junzi, is not about world order, rather not about world order. On a higher phase of the meaning of the harmony may refer to the “Great Unity” which cited from the section on the conveyance of Rites in the Book of Rites. In that describes that human action should be consonant with the evolution of nature. Only following the rule of nature, the action can gain its legitimacy. On the other hand, the idea of general love advocated by Mozi (470-391 BC), a Chinese philosopher after Confucius and a distinct representative of the group Mohism, is also the source of thinking of harmonious society promoted by the Chinese …show more content…

The Chinese socialist harmonious society seems to shine the stunning light to have a better prospect at the domestic level under the phrases that promised to reach universal prosperity, to combat corruption, to accelerate socio-economic development, to correct injustice. The meaning of Hu 's harmonious society is not merely a guidance of internal policy, rather symbolized a normative claim that the Chinese attitude to the world order. As for a harmonious world mentioned at the UN 's 60th-anniversary summit is set up as an external policy. Ostensibly, the concept of harmony may resonate with the substantial values of international human rights, for the goal to live together peacefully to construct a harmonious society. It may connect with the claim of peace and harmony in the Vienna Declaration and Program of